SEO strategy
In this section we will explain the tutorial SEO strategy, to be replaced to increase your site position in Google and other search engines. As before, we'll talk about in the yard, and off-page strategies separately, but you must understand that to achieve the highest efficiency of all strategies of business you have to work. There should be no priority to the content or link building. Both are important and both require your sustained attention.
On-Page SEO strategy
Content is king. Your main site SEO strategy is to build interesting content for your visitors, providing information and value, correctly describes the service you offer, but not a boring piece of text to leave the memory of two seconds after you finish reading it. At the same time, the content should serve the purpose of SEO - to be the landing site for search engine questions. Indeed, the process of writing good copy is a creation, not a hack-job, but there are steps you can follow to walk this path:
Find your keywords
This is the first thing you should think when you start optimizing your site content. He does not think what industry you work in every industry, every sphere of human labor can be described in the hundreds if not thousands of different words! And potential customers you get a lot of words in the search box on every day! You can not afford yourself to sit down and look at how this money is just flowing river down pass you by.
Think about what you do. Think about what your customers want from you. Think about this with an easy keyword. Then use a synonym. That will be the basis for your keywords. Then use the Google Keyword Tool or Search-based keyword tool to find more synonyms and other related searches that people type in search box. Easy, you can see the search volume and competition nearly a month for each keyword which also helps you to filter the best terms to target.
Write your keywords and organize them by demand (the number of searches according to Google's keyword tool) and then by association. Then, make a Google search for key words to express your competitors and analyze their website to extract the keywords of your niche a little faster. Choose keywords that are most relevant and demanding the end of the list and proceed to the next step.
Provide content
Now, as you know what keywords people are searching for, you have to give them what they want - that you need to provide a landing page for each search term. Obviously, it is not enough to just write copy and materials by keyword. Quite the contrary, you need to build up your copy of the selected key words and themes she explains. Write naturally, do not ignore the strong-language titles and titles with the words stick in it attracted the attention of the reader.
Remember the important places where your keywords should appear? We thoroughly cover this early this FAQ. Write a regular title, the original language with the target keyword is placed somewhere in the beginning of the title, write a title, call the appropriate file and so on. How many keywords per page protection? The best strategy here is to create a landing page for 2-3 keyword phrases, not anymore. You do not want to menyuraikan focus your efforts. Each page should focus on short-tail keywords and some dozen or two of the long tail.
Repeat this step for all of your keywords. He may take a long time to write content that is appropriate for each pharses your target, and more importantly, it may be difficult to write unique content, rather than a copy for each page. Do not just copy-paste the text one another to change the "tool" to a "widget" and "John Doe" to "bar". That will not work. Instead, write in plain language, writing for the man (I never tired of repeating this). You do not need to provide all of the pages at once - this is a marathon, not whip.
Interlink your site
One very important step! As you already know, link to pages linked to the main text should be is one of the most important position. Most likely, at this time you do not have a lot of backlinks from other sites to build the internal link is important to you because he gave the first stimulus for your search engine positions.
So, review your existing pages and make them link to each other. I do not mean ordinary navigation stuff here. I mean find a few keywords in a page and attach it to the anchor tag, pointing to a page that is closely related to that keyword. Here is a picture to illustrate this concept:
It's really helpful.good job.......